Welcome to KNEZ INTEH d.o.o. website
By using this website, you agree to accept all the restrictions and terms of use listed below in accordance with laws and regulations. If you do not agree with the acceptance of the stated terms of use, we advise you not to use this website. This website is created, owned, controlled and updated by KNEZ INTEH d.o.o. (hereinafter KNEZ INTEH).
Use of services and content of this website:
All information available on the KNEZ INTEH website is for informational purposes only. All stated data or parts of any data available on this page may not be used for commercial purposes or forwarded to third parties without the prior express written permission of the owner of the KNEZ INTEH website. The website uses cookies to improve your user experience. You can refuse the use of cookies at any time by turning them off in your internet browser. For more information on the process of turning off cookies, look in the menu of your browser.
KNEZ INTEH will make every effort to ensure accurate and up-to-date information on its website, but disclaims any responsibility in any way related to the use of the content of this website. Each user of the KNEZ INTEH website agrees to use the content exclusively for personal use and at his own risk.
KNEZ INTEH claims the copyright to all its own content (textual, visual and audio materials, design, animations, databases and programming code). Unauthorized use and copying of any part of the KNEZ INTEH website, without the express written permission of the copyright owner, is considered a copyright infringement and is subject to legal action.
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The KNEZ INTEH website will occasionally contain links to other websites or services that are not owned or controlled by KNEZ INTEH. KNEZ INTEH is not aware of the content on third-party websites that contain links to websites and is not responsible for the legality of the content and management of websites linked from the KNEZ INTEH website.
Changes to the terms of use
KNEZ INTEH reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time and will not be responsible for possible consequences resulting from such changes. The mentioned changes come into force upon publication on these web pages. If you continue to use the KNEZ INTEH website after the changes to the terms of use, it will be considered that you agree with the new changes. If you do not agree with the new changes, we advise you not to use this website.
Applicable law
These terms of use are subject to and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia, regardless of conflict of law provisions.
Contact us
In case of ambiguities and questions related to these terms of use, please feel free to contact us at