About cookies
Cookies are small text files placed in the local memory of the device you use to access our web site. They serve to provide you with the best possible user experience. For example, cookies can be used to store registration information on a web site so that the user does not have to re-enter it the next time the web site is visited.
In case you are concerned about cookies, most reference web browsers allow you to disable cookies. You can also set your web browser not to accept cookies in the settings of your web browser.
In order to properly manage our online headquarters, we store anonymous data in our operating systems and identify categories of visitors by individual items such as the types of web browsers and the resolution of the device from which you visited us, without processing your personal data in any way . These statistics are reported in aggregate to our web site managers, with the purpose of ensuring that our web site provides the best experience for visitors and as an efficient source of necessary information.
Our online headquarters only saves marketing cookies during and during your visit and does not collect your personal data through these cookies.
We can use cookies for several reasons, such as:
- collecting anonymous statistics related to browsing patterns and trends
- analysis of sales data
- implementation of marketing research
- customizing content or functions on the website for visitors
Used cookies
Google Analytics, a marketing cookie, lasts more than 2 years, is used for analytical purposes.
Your options:
- If you have not given your consent to the use of cookies, cookies will not be placed on your device
- If you want to delete cookies or set your web browser to delete or reject cookies, please visit your web browser’s help pages